
Kai Kamaka III Attributes Significant PFL Influence to Cousin Ray Cooper III

Kai Kamaka III, a rising star in the world of mixed martial arts (MMA), has given credit to his cousin Ray Cooper III for having a significant influence on his career. Kamaka made this statement following an impressive performance at Professional Fighters League (PFL) debut last Friday.

As he stepped into the PFL’s fighting arena, it was clear that Kai Kamaka had been thrown into the deep end. However, despite facing such pressure and high stakes, he showcased an unwavering confidence rarely seen in newcomers. This heightened level of self-assurance can be attributed to a special family bond – one that connects him with another prominent figure in MMA: Ray Cooper III.

Ray Cooper III is not just any fighter; he is recognized as one of PFL’s most successful athletes and happens to be Kai’s cousin. The familial connection between these two fighters extends beyond blood ties; it also includes shared experiences inside and outside the ring.

Kamaka revealed how much his relationship with Cooper influenced him both personally and professionally 🥊 . He spoke about their training sessions together where they would spar against each other while sharing techniques and strategies.

“Having someone like Ray by my side has been invaluable,” said Kamaka during a post-fight interview. “He knows what it takes to succeed at this level because he’s lived through it himself.”

Cooper’s impact on Kamaka isn’t limited solely to physical preparation or technical advice either; there are also emotional aspects involved too. According to Kamaka, witnessing firsthand how hard work pays off for his cousin motivated him immensely throughout his journey towards becoming a professional fighter.

“It wasn’t just about learning moves or getting stronger,” explained Kamaka.” It was about understanding what kind of dedication you need if you want success in this sport.”

While acknowledging that stepping into the PFL arena presented its challenges due largely due to intensified competition levels compared with those faced before joining the league, Kamaka remained unfazed. His cousin’s successful career in PFL has given him a blueprint to follow.

“Seeing Ray succeed here gave me confidence that I could do it too,” said Kamaka. “I knew what was expected of me and what I had to do.”

Kamaka’s debut at the PFL showcased his potential as a fighter and demonstrated how much he had learned from Cooper. While there is still plenty for him to learn and achieve within this competitive sport, one thing remains clear: with a mentor like Ray Cooper III guiding him, Kai Kamaka III is certainly on track towards making significant strides in his MMA journey.